Impact Youth Ministry (=IYM=)
6th – 12th Grades
Vision, Purpose & Passion: To provide our youth with a sense of Mission, Vision and Purpose. Our goal is to provide guidance and direction to our Youth.
Healthy & Positive Relationships: To provide a forum where our youth can develop healthy and positive friendships and associations.
Youth Ministry Goals and Objectives
Personal/Spiritual Development: To help the spiritual growth of each youth. Adolescence and young adulthood are important times for mental, spiritual, social, and physical growth.
Personal Faith Commitment: To help youth become aware of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ, to respond to Christ in a personal commitment of faith, and to follow God’s will.
Life-long Walk with Christ: To prepare youth for a life-long walk with Christ, by developing a heart that loves God, a mind that knows God’s Word.
Discipleship: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, by providing them with the faith skills for discipleship and character transformation.
Evangelism & Personal Witness: To guide youth to confidently state their commitment to Christ, boldly share with, or witness to their friends and peers.
Prayer Life: To help and encourage our Youth to develop a meaningful, devotional prayer life.
Worship Experience: To help youth experience worship, both celebrative and reflective.
Christian Stewardship: To guide youth in exploring, discovering and nurturing their abilities and talents, and deploying them for service in the church, community and world.
Self-Acceptance & Esteem: To help youth grow in understanding and acceptance of self, by affirmation. Offer our youth, biblical concepts of self-image.